Welcome to our Garden Club

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Subscribe to our Garden Club to receive garden advice direct to your email inbox. Learn about herbs, vegetables, fruit, indoor plants, flowers and more!

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What is the Garden Club?
Garden Club is an online space for plant lovers to find helpful tips and tricks, fun DIY’s, blogs from our gardeners, information on different aspects of gardening and more! A place for any gardening questions you have, we will do our best to answer them. Garden Club is also another place to enter our competitions to win fun things from our HomeLeisure brand!
Will I get overloaded with emails from Garden Club?
Not at all! We only send out one email per month they may be seasonal tips, gardening things to look out for, specials from Home Leisure, gardening trends. Most of our content will be located here at Garden Club for when you want it, or they will be posted to our Instagram: HLGardenClub
What else does Garden Club do?
Here at the Garden Club, we will also have visual informational PDF’s/pamphlets/calendar’s available to browse or print, topics such as when to plant tomatoes, the anatomy of flowers, how to plant bare-root trees etc.
Does it cost to join Garden Club?
Garden Club is free to join! Garden Club is a plant-loving community, so all we do here is help inform as much as we can. Share our experiences and collective knowledge and learn together.
How long does it take to receive a reply from the 'Ask a Question' section?
We will always do our best to answer all questions asap, the team is at Garden Club Central during regular working hours and are out gardening on weekends! So, if you send us a question late Friday afternoon, you may not get a reply till early the following week.
How accurate is the information you provide?
The GC team are avid gardeners and we are constantly learning new things, so we do as much research as we can when we post information and advice. If anything we have posted in the past needs an update; we will ensure to make it clear when updates to blogs/informational material have been made. Please keep in mind that Australia has many different climates, and not all information may be relative to your area.
Why should I subscribe and join?
Because you love plants of course! Gardening and plants are such a large hobby and something that you are always learning new things about. So why not join a Garden Club you might learn something new, discover a new DIY project you haven’t heard of, find a new gardening trick you’d want to try. There really isn’t a downside to signing up, plus, you can always unsubscribe if you aren’t enjoying the content.

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